Friday, November 25, 2005

Cities, Towns and Counties are Looking to Fill Board Positions - And Often Will Take Libertarians

It's a lot easier to get appointed to a city, town or county board then you might think. Often times, public officials can't find good people to fill these positions. The fact one is a Libertarian hurts sometimes in getting an appointment, but many Libertarians have found that they can get an appointment anyway.

Search the internet for your town, city or county web site. Often it will have a site for one to apply for board positions, and the positions that are open.

Don't expect to get on the best boards. You won't. However, try to get on any board, learn the job, and do it well. Voters will notice how you apply Libertarian policies and how they work. Then, you will have a resume of success that you can apply to a future run for partisan office.

Here's an example of a web page from the city of Avon on openings on boards. Click here.


Anonymous said...

We recently had two openings on the Hagerstown Planning Commission. I submitted the names of two Libertarians that were willing to serve. The Town Council searched frantically to find two Republicans to appoint. The new appointees do not attend 80% of the meetings, aand our last meeting was called off because we didn't have a quorum. It's comical what the powers to be will do to keep us down.

Mark W. Rutherford said...

Looks like good campaign issue for teh Hagerstown Libertarians. This is solid proof that the Republicans in your town won't or can't govern. This is a fair campaign issue and distinguishes us from them. Libertarians will govern in a responsible way - Republicans wont'. I imagine the lack of quorum means several businesses and homeowners are further delayed from implementing legitimate building projects.

Debbie H. said...

It's funny how people can view events in totally different ways. My first thought when Rex reported about the no-shows, was that it was good that a government entity had been forced to shut down, even if only temporarily. Maybe it could get people thinking about whether the entity should even exist in the first place.

And the campaign issue idea strikes me as strange too. I'm not looking for libertarians, or anyone "to govern in a responsible way." I'm looking for people wanting to dismantle most of the governing boards and such so each of us can govern ourselves as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

We are presently working on re-writing the town's master plan. The two Libertarians on the board are concentrating on making the the town's zoning and building requirements less intrusive. It takes a lot of discussion, but we are being met with some sucess.
If at sometime in the future, we are able to convince people to do away with the planning and zoning laws, I'll be among the first and happiest to go back to just making a living. Until then, I would rather have Libertarians on these boards limiting the governments power, than R's and D's expanding that power. But thats just my opinion.

Mike Kole said...

Debbie- I think we can agree that we would enjoy seeing Libertarians serve in government and then act in accordance with the Constitution.

I have every confidence that Rex and the Hagerstown Libertarians will govern within the Constitution until such time as they can eliminate the layers of bureaucracy.

Debbie H. said...

Well I don't know Mike. Especially considering that every single government official already out there now thinks he is acting in accordance with the constitution.