The latest release from the Libertarian Party of Indiana:
The 2007 Indiana Libertarian Party annual convention is rapidly approaching, please register now!
The Indiana Libertarian Party will be electing an entire new slate of officers this year; we will have four new officers at the close of this Convention. Please plan on attending to help choose the officers that will lead the Indiana Libertarian Party for the next two years!
Three Libertarian Presidential Candidates will be attending our Convention and speaking to the attendees. This is your chance to preview three of the 2008 Presidential Candidates!
See below for the Convention schedule of events. If you have any questions please call Mike Sylvester at 260-338-0833.
The Convention package includes food and beverages Friday night, access to the Convention and all speakers Saturday, a buffet meal on Saturday night, and Breakfast on Sunday with access to Sunday's speakers.
The easiest way to register is to write a check to "Libertarian Party of Indiana" and to mail it to:
156 E. Market Street
Suite #405
Indianapolis, IN 46204
If you register by mail please write us a note and tell us which of the following events you will be attending:
Friday evening reception for Mark Rutherford
Saturday Convention
Saturday Supper
Sunday Breakfast and speakers
You may also register by credit card. This can be done from the LPIN website at:
If you register by credit card please send Todd Singer an email at: and please let him know which events you will be attending.
If you register by May 14th your Convention Package will cost $130. You may purchase a Saturday meal for a guest for $40.
If you register after May 14th the cost rises to $150 and $45 respectively.
Libertarians from around the Country have already reserved fifteen rooms for both Friday and Saturday night. The Hilton still has rooms available; however, they are filling up for that weekend quickly. If you wish to reserve a room please contact the Fort Wayne Hilton at 260-420-1100.
Please contact Mike Sylvester if you have any questions at 260-338-0833 or by email at Mike.Sylvester(at)
Mike Sylvester, Convention Chair
Convention Agenda
Friday May 18th
A party will be held honoring Mark Rutherford and his seven years of outstanding service to the LPIN. The party will be held at 4205 North Washington Road at the house of Jack and Hillary Evans. Everyone who has paid to attend the 2007 Indiana Libertarian Convention can attend this party at absolutely no charge. A wide variety of food and beverages will be available all evening; the main courses include vegetarian lasagna, two pork roasts with dressing and gravy, and Hungarian goulash with sour cream and knoudles. The party will run from 6:30 PM until the "wee hours." This party is being held about four miles from the Convention site. Please call 260-432-2091 or 260-760-7090 for directions to the house of Jack and Hillary Evans.
Saturday May 19th:
The Convention is being held at the Grand Wayne Center. The Grand Wayne Center is located at 120 West Jefferson in downtown Fort Wayne. The Grand Wayne Center is connected to the Fort Wayne Hilton.
Registration will occur in Calhoun Ballroom B from 8 AM - 9 AM.
9 - 9:15 Mike Sylvester will welcome everyone and discuss schedule for Convention in Calhoun Ballroom B.
9:15 - 10:00 Keynote speech from Mitch Harper in Calhoun Ballroom B. Mitch Harper will discuss the history of the LPIN and ballot access from his perspective as a Republican State Representative from 1978 - 1990.
10:00 - 10:15 Break
10:15 - 11:15 Andy Downs will give a presentation about Indiana Municipal Government in Calhoun Ballroom B.
11:15 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 11:55 Andy Downs will do a session where he does nothing other then answer questions in Calhoun Ballroom B.
Mike Sylvester will give a presentation on "The impact of Public Meetings and how to influence them" in Calhoun C.
Rebecca Sink-Burris will give a presentation "Where do we grow from here" in Calhoun D.
11:55 - 12:00 Break
12:05 - 12:30 Rex Bell will give a presentation on "Rex Bell's campaign for the Indiana Legislature" in Calhoun Ballroom B.
Mike Kole will give a report on running for Secretary of State in 2006 in Calhoun C.
Margarette Fette will give a presentation on "Getting LP Concerns in the Media" in Calhoun D.
People will be dismissed from each individual session and all will be provided with a map of local restaurants. We will eat on our own in small groups. There are a lot of choices.
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch on own.
13:30 - 15:30 Business meeting of Convention, Calhoun Ballroom B.
15:30 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 16:10 Christine Smith, Libertarian candidate for President 2008 will speak, Calhoun Ballroom B.
16:10 - 16:35 Daniel Imperato, Libertarian candidate for President 2008 will speak, Calhoun Ballroom B.
16:35 - 17:00 Mike Jingozian, Libertarian candidate for President 2008 will speak, Calhoun Ballroom B.
17:15 - 18:00 1994 Society event in the private banquet room at the Park Place Grill. The Park Place Grill is located five blocks from The Grand Wayne Center. Guests at the Hilton can call for the Hilton shuttle to transport them to and from the Park Place Grill if they so choose. Dr. James Lark, Chairman of the Libertarian Party 2000 - 2002, will give a brief presentation. Appetizers will be served during the event and will include cheese, bread, vegetables, and fruit.
18:00 - 23:00 A buffet dinner will be provided in the private banquet room of The Park Place Grill. A plated salad will be served at 18:15. The buffet line will be open from 18:15 - 20:30. The buffet line will include: Roast Beef, Italian Stuffed Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Rice Pilaf, and Pasta Primavera. Desert will be Banana Fosters. A cash bar will be setup in the banquet room and will be staffed for the entire evening.
19:00 - 20:00 Central Committee Meeting at The Park Place Grill. A large corner table will be reserved for this meeting.
23:00 - ? We will go to the 412 bar owned by Byron Peters, a Fort Wayne Libertarian who is running for City Council. His establishment is within walking distance of both the hotel and the restaurant.
Sunday May 20th:
We will have the use of the Hamilton Hall at the Hilton. This room will serve about 40 for breakfast and has an adjacent meeting room that will seat about 40 people as well.
9:00 - 10:00 Either a plated breakfast or a breakfast buffet will be provided.
We will have events scheduled from 10 - 12. Speakers will include Dr James Lark former Libertarian National Chair from 2000 - 2002, Doug Horner, current Secretary of The Libertarian party of Allen County will discuss Public Access Television, and Byron Peters, a Fort Wayne bar owner who is running for City Council because the current members of The Fort Wayne City Council are trying to put him out of business with the new restrictive smoking ban that takes effect June 1st, 2007."
1 comment:
I'm excited to see Imperato.
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