Friday, June 15, 2007

Discount Rates for Region Three Conference End This Sunday. Save Between 30% to 55% .

Here's the latest release:

"For the first time in our history, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky have combined their resources to offer the best political training to Libertarians from around the country. On the weekend of August 3rd – 5th, the Libertarian Party's National Region 3 is having a convention in Dayton, Ohio that promises to be a uniquely beneficial experience for all those who attend. This is your opportunity as a Libertarian activist, volunteer, leader, or candidate to get the best political training possible and start friendships that will last a lifetime.

A perfect mix of business and pleasure, the convention features 6 hours of training from the Washington D.C.-based Leadership Institute ( ), as well as speakers M Carling, Bill Hall, Dr. James Lark and National LP Chair Bill Redpath. A Saturday night banquet dinner (included in the registration price), Friday evening hospitality, and group discussions will let you meet, network and collaborate with your libertarian colleagues from around the region and the nation.

The convention isn't limited to libertarians in Region 3. In fact, we'd like to extend a special invitation to our independent Libertarian friends in West Virgina: Come join us at the I'MOK Region 3 party!

The cost of the convention is only $100, but take advantage of our special foreFATHERS sale! If you book by Father's Day, Sunday June 17th, you're eligible for a 30% discount off of the regular convention price. And students are eligible for a 55% discount off the regular $100 price. Hurry! This special sale ends June 17th. Registration details are available at where you can register online today!

A discounted hotel rate of $69 per room per night is available at the convention hotel, the Holiday Inn Dayton-South, for those who book their rooms before July 13th. Call the hotel at 937-294-1471 and ask for the group rate: Libertarian Party Region 3.

Please join us to share what you know, learn from others, and get to know your neighboring freedom fighters. Let's show the other state parties that Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky know how to generate success! Contact me with questions at . I look forward to seeing you on August 3rd in Dayton.

Emily Salvette
LNC Representative-Region 3"

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