Sunday, June 17, 2007

Nifong is Not an Aberration

Among the people and companies I represent as an attorney, are those accused of "white collar" crimes.

There are a lot of prosecutors, deputy prosecutors, United States Attorneys and assistant United States Attorneys who I greatly respect. They are ethical seekers of justice, and not wins. They share exculpatory evidence and try to resolve a case the right way, even if it means political fall out.

On the other hand, over twenty years I have observed and heard of way too many prosecutors, deputy prosecutors, United States Attorneys and assistant United States Attorneys who don't seek justice, but seek their version of a win. They don't share exculpatory evidence, they bow to the lightest breeze of political pressure, and seemingly don't have a principled bone in their body other than being "tough on crime because everyone is a criminal" or are purely seeking self interest in their actions.

Unfortunately, Nifong is not an aberration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many in the both state and federal legal system have a well earned reputation as unmasked bandits armed with pencils.

I have known some to be honest but I have known more that I would not trust period.

Commonly known as liaryers and when mixed or morphed into politicians are probably the most dangerous damn thing allowed to run free stalking the public in America.