Monday, September 10, 2007

The Shame of It - Bart Peterson Tries To Take Credit for Tax Revolt in New Commercial - Shame on Him!

A few minutes ago I watched the new Bart Peterson for Indianapolis Mayor commercial. About half way through it he starts taking credit for the property tax revolt!

Shame on him. He didn't do a thing to cause it - other than inaction or bad action. He didn't have the guts to show up at the tax rally on Monument Circle unlike fellow Democrats Marion County Treasurer Michael Rodman and State Representative David Orentlicher. Both Rodman and Orentlicher had the guts to face the taxpayers, unlike Peterson.

I hope this commercial backfires on him. He deserves it.

By the way, I went from being somewhat philosophically against Bart Peterson to now personally against Bart Peterson. No one likes someone inappropriately carpet bagging and taking credit when none is deserved.

Shame, shame Bart Peterson.

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