Friday, September 14, 2007

Wayne County Libertarian Party Working Concession Stand Tonight

Here's the latest release from the Wayne County Libertarian Party:

"Just a reminder about this Friday:

The LPWC is working the concession stand at the Hagerstown/Union County Football game on Friday, September 14th.

Here is the list of volunteers:

Tickets: Arrive by 5:45
Front Gate: Myron and Phyllis Bell.

Back Gate: Conley Tillson (check-in at front gate)

Concessions: Arrive by 6:15

Gayle Bond
Marvin Heacox
Steph Bell
Ross Bell
Rex Bell
Susan Bell

We could use a couple more in the concession stand to make it easier on everyone. Make sure to wear your Elect Gayle Bond buttons. We'll have some at the concession stand by 5:30 if you need extras.

Thanks for your help,
Rex . . . "

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