Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mothers Against Drunk Drivers = Their Latest Tactic is Arguably Child Abuse

Read more about the wicked, uncaring and dastardly tactics of one of America's most dangerous, puritanical, prohibitionist and totalitarian special interest groups, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in Radley Balko's blog post titled "Absolute MADDness". Any other group doing this would be accused of child abuse.

If a fraternity or sorority did this, they'd be charged with criminal hazing.

However, MADD is a "favored" special interest group favored by politicians who are now governing through crime and fear.

Where is Child Protective Services when you really need them?

1 comment: said...

The thought occurs to me:

A parent in Indianapolis focebily restrained their toddler for over four hours. The child was bound at the waste in a small chair and, aside from a sippy-cup, was left unattended, his fever-pitched screaming ignored.

Authorities refused to prosecute the parents because the abuse was considered "justified." The child was in an automobile's car seat while the family drove to Nashville, Tenn.