Sunday, September 14, 2008

Levi Coffin Days Parade Next Saturday

Rex Bell writes in a notice to campaign supporters:

I think I told everybody that Cambridge City was the last parade of the year. I was wrong. Next Saturday, September 20th, we will be in the Fountain City Levi Coffin Days Parade. The Parade starts at 11:00. We will decorate and line up at 10:00 at the Little League Ballpark at the south edge of town.

Also, this Monday, September 15th, The Wayne County Libertarian candidates will be participating in a candidate forum hosted by the Wayne County Farm Bureau at the Greensfork Community Center. It starts at 7:00 P.M. The public is invited, and your attendence would be greatly appreciated.

Don't forget our booth at the Richmond Depot Festival on September 27th, our booth at the 4th Street Fair on October 4th, and that we will be working the concession stand at the Hagerstown Football game on October 17th.


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