Tuesday, May 01, 2018

"Rutherford Calls Out Mis-Steps by Secretary of State"

"Rutherford Calls Out Mis-Steps by Secretary of State"
This press release has gone out to nearly 500 media contacts today. Nevertheless, please share far and wide my Libertarian friends and leaders.

What: Mark Rutherford, declared candidate for Secretary of State, takes issue with voting promotions
Contact: Mark Rutherford at 317-809-9000 or rutherfordlibertarian@gmail.com

Rutherford Calls Out Mis-Steps by Secretary of State

Mark Rutherford is taking issue with voting promotions issued by the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office, which urges voters to participate in the Primary Elections.

“While on the surface, it may seem like a good idea to promote participation in the Primaries, doing so could handcuff voters at the General Election, and limit their choices if they try to conscientiously follow the law,” said Rutherford.

Confusing? So is the law. The voter who participates in either of the old parties’ Primaries is eligible to do so only if they intend to cast most of the votes they will cast in the General Election for the same party whose ballot they chose in the Primary, or the voter did so in the last General Election.

“It’s a sneaky way to limit crossover voting across parties in the General Election. This is unethical, immoral, and wrong. Voters should be at liberty to choose any candidates they like, who best represent their views- without suffering threats of lawbreaking,” said Rutherford.

He continued, “The existence of the law makes clear what Libertarians have been saying for years, that the Primaries are private organization business. Being private business, the Primaries should be privately funded by the parties, not the taxpayers.  Or they should be eliminated and replaced by privately funded conventions.”.

The Secretary of State, as head of the Elections Division, should know better than to offer information to the voters that is incomplete at best, and hazardously misleading at worst.

Mark Rutherford is a declared candidate for Indiana Secretary of State, and seeks the nomination of the Libertarian Party at its privately-funded convention, which is being held May 4th & 5th, at the Downtown Indianapolis Marriott Hotel, 350 W Maryland St, Indianapolis 46225


Paid for and authorized by Rutherfords Rising SOS 2018 Committee, Daryl Singleton, Treasurer

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