rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly
Revised as of July 1, 2020 shall serve as a guide to the Party and given great
weight in conducting orderly conventions and meetings. The right of the majority to make decisions
and the minority to be heard shall be respected. For each main motion, the Chair must request
a standing second to the motion or any amendments. If fewer than ten percent of
the delegates stand, the motion or amendment shall die for lack of a second. Robert’s
Rules of Order shall not be used in a manner which is inconsistent with these
bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation of the Libertarian Party, the mission and
core functions of a national political party, impediments caused by force majeure,
impossibility, government edicts interfering with delegate participation and
emergency as determined by the Libertarian National Committee or the delegates,
and any special rules of order adopted by the Party. Robert’s Rules of Order or
any other form of order for the conduct of business shall not be used to prevent
the Libertarian Party from meeting its core responsibilities as a national
political party. Any Convention and any meeting may be
conducted using any means of communication by which all delegates, officers, directors
or committee members participating may simultaneously hear each other during
the convention or meeting. A delegate,
officer, director, or committee member participating in a meeting by such means
will be considered present in person at the meeting.
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