Saturday, July 30, 2005

Two Good Employees

Political Director Brad Klopfenstein and Assistant to the State Chairman Justin Kempf get low pay, lonely work, and asked to do more than they possibly can do. They do it with amazingly good spirits and with much effectiveness.

They also have a good attitude and work well to implement the goals of the Central Committee and State Chair. They understand that the Central Committee is selected by our fellow Libertarians and that their actions can reflect poorly on the Central Committee. They know that it is the dog that wags its tail, and not the other way around.

Unfortunately, I'm on another board where I'm feeling very strongly that the staff believes that as the tail, it should waive the dog. There is a board meeting coming up very soon in which I hope the board asserts its authority. If not, I feel that this organization will be in for a very rough time.

Luckily, the Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Indiana does not have this problem.

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